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Contact Admin. It began as an AIDS hospice caring for former soldiers, sex workers and police officers who were infected by HIV and suffering from related illnesses.
One year on it shifted its focus onto AIDS prevention amongst healthy young women. It offered health education and literacy with the idea that this could significantly reduce the spread of AIDS amongst the Stung Treng population. The SWDC evolved to providing education and alternate employment opportunities for local women in order to provide substitute income options to harmful occupations such as prostitution. Currently it provides social welfare programmes for the community including nutrition support projects, sponsorship for poor students attending public school, on-site nursery and pre-school provision for working parents, Sericulture training funded by the Allen Foundation , weaving and training programmes, and a Child Development Centre for vulnerable children.
At any one time the SWDC provides employment for up to women weavers. Their silk products are traded through Mekong Blue www. The aim is for these community projects to become fully sustainable in time through the social enterprise. Chat bots are the next big thing apparently. The infrastructure of WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook messaging is being merged.
Here's training on the implications. Chat bots are the next big thing The infrastructure of WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook messaging is being merged. Here's training on the impications. What are the implications for charities? We're running training in return for a small donation to maNGOma Book here https:. Login Signup.
Signup Login Contact Admin. Kimberly 22 Stoeng Treng. Giovanna 21 Cambodia. Giosetta 26 Stoeng Treng. I describe myself as very sexy, elegant, clever, honest, liberal and tolerant.